What does an ERP consultant do and how can he assist your organization?

When the company decides to implement an ERP system there are usually lots of questions. From “what is ERP exactly” to “how to implement it in our business”. Answers to those questions have ERP consultants or ERP experts who can assess what the best approach is for every single company, according to its needs and capabilities.

Who are the “superheroes” of the ERP world?

In Ecodica we have quite a several ERP consultants who have extensive experience and are ready to answer each and every question that may arise during the implementation.
But let us present to you our ERP consultants – experts who understand the technological aspect of business-information systems and the business aspect of the companies and specific profiles they specialize for. Our experts recognize markets in which the company operates, understand the products and services the company offers and can perceive key advantages and disadvantages of the organization of the business and main aspects of the management. A good consultant for the implementation of business-information systems can discern and connect each customer’s business needs with existing capabilities and functions of ERP system, as well as translate specific requests of the customers in easily understandable specifications, for customers but also for the programmers of the company that develops ERP.

Maybe the most important trait of a good consultant is – patience. They must be tolerant, in a good mood, organized and communicative, but also always ready for cooperation with key users. Trust is of the utmost importance in the implementation of the ERP in any company. The customer must have a professional relationship with the consultant that’s based on trust so that the consultant can take on the responsibility to carry out the most rational requests customer makes, and at the same time, deliver even more than it was promised – all in a reasonable time. In short, a professional consultant must be able to step into the user’s shoes.

At the same time, the consultant must be objective and keep an eye on the project goals: solving the most important user challenges and requests in the agreed timeframe.
Most often the problems arise when users don’t realize the scope of the whole project and overwhelm the consultant with its requests regarding specific details, often not important to the successful ending of the project. In situations such as that, a good consultant will give a list of reasons and arguments for prioritizing key expectations and requests, all while keeping in mind the expectation of the key users of the customers.

Being a successful consultant means you have a genuine interest in the procedural and process aspects of business verticals and functions. For example, if you are an ERP consultant in the field of accounting and finances, higher education with a specialization in this field is a must. Accounting is a business segment that is mainly defined by laws in a specific country. Those laws may and may not differ from country to country. Specific experience in this field makes consultants more adept to lead specific projects.
We can say that the situation is similar for the consultants in the other fields, such as manufacturing, where the prior experience of managing certain aspects of the manufacturing presents a significant qualitative advantage.

Work ethics, curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving mindset are what differ top-notch consultants from the rest of them.

Why are ERP consultants so important?

Making the right decision and choosing the right ERP solution, especially the right ERP integrator capable of delivering such a system – isn’t easy or simple. Global statistics show that, on average, 55 to 75 percent of ERP implementation projects end up as failures (Gartner).
One of the key elements for a successful project is in the customer’s corner – the readiness to change. Implementation of an ERP system can be a painful process that, in a worst-case scenario, can notably backtrack the whole company. Before any talks about implementation with the integrator, the management of the company needs to prepare its organization and people and to define key business requests.

The sole process of the conversation with a potential integrator plays a significant role in the preparation process. The successful completion of the project, in the end, weighs on the degree of understanding between the customer and integrator. Because, during the implementation, equal importance is placed upon the role of key users and project managers on the customer’s side, as well as the quality of the team which will develop and deliver the final solution. What can make or break is mutual chemistry and understanding.

A quality team of integrators can give important insight to making the structure of project goals.
So, what can you expect from an ERP consultant during the consultations?
You can think of your ERP consultant as a guide who will help you understand what you need when you need it and who will be involved in the whole process.

They will help you:

  • define roles and responsibilities
  • choose development method (agile or sprint)
  • define your expectations
  • create project documentation
    • user stories
    • test scenarios
    • user documents
  • help define the right tools for the implementation
  • be there with you throughout every step of ERP implementation